Sacrament of Baptism
Baptism is a significant step in the life of a family. It is the beginning of the child’s journey of faith towards God as Father.
Celebrating a baptism is more than a private family celebration, it is the Sacrament whereby a child becomes a member of our Christian family.
Baptism preparation for new parents takes place within the parish community between the baptism leaders and parents. resources are available to prepare parents for their new child’s baptism.
Anyone wishing to be baptised or have their child baptised needs to see Fr Ephrem Tigga after either one of the Sunday Masses or contact him on PH: 09 626 2238.
Please complete the attached “Baptism Information Form” and bring it along for discussion with the parish priest. Thank you.
Reconciliation Programme
The Reconciliation programme is for children who have arrived at the age of discretion (usually over 8 years old) and who would like to begin preparation for the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion. The programme consists of a series of meetings that both you and your child are expected to attend. The course is offered once a year and is timed to lead up to the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion.
The main theological theme behind this programme is one of journey and community. Engaging in the Reconciliation programme is a movement toward the completion of the Initiation Sacraments in a community environment.
Please look out for an enrollment form in the foyer of the church or contact the parish office for further details. A copy of the child’s baptismal certificate is required when enrolling. Course material will be available at a small cost.
Sacramental Programme
ST DOMINIC’S SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM for 2024: Lessons every Sunday from 10:45am to 12 Noon, in the School hall for the sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion, starting from Sunday 5th May. The key dates are as follows:
• Registration closes Thursday 2nd May
• Parents meeting Thursday 2nd May at 7:00pm in the school staff room
• The sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion is on Sunday 22nd September 2024 with Bishop Steve Lowe.
The Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion are usually celebrated during the Easter Period. These Sacraments are for children who have already celebrated Reconciliation. The Sacraments of Initiation Program consists of a series of meetings that both you and your child are expected to attend and is offered only once a year in our parish. Parents and children attend their own sessions and meet at the end for a combined prayer time. Enrolment is made through the parish office with the enrolment form and program outline and dates being made available in the church foyer around December each year.
Celebration of the Sacraments:
1. The Sacrament of Confirmation and the first reception of Eucharist are to take place as two separate celebrations.
2. For those who have received Eucharist but are not yet confirmed, parishes must provide opportunities for preparation for, and celebration of, the Sacrament of Confirmation.
3. The Easter season (Easter to Pentecost) is the preferred time for celebrating the Sacraments of Initiation
4. The Bishop has a primary role in the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation.
The Bishop may delegate local priests to confirm those baptized in infancy, but it is not a general permission. Priests must apply to the Bishop for that permission.
Formation in Faith:
1. Children are to be initiated within the parish community. It is the responsibility of the parish to help parents in the formation of their children for the Sacraments of Initiation. Where possible schools are to give active support to the parish in this process.
2. Initiation into the Church’s Sacramental life requires formation both before and after the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation. Adequate preparation is to be followed by ongoing reflection and catechesis after the sacramental celebration.
Sacrament of Marriage
Marriage Preparation Programme :
Contact: Gerry Smith (Leader – Marriage and Family Life)
Phone : 09 360 3025
Email :