Welcome to
St Dominic's Parish
Blockhouse Bay
We extend a warm welcome to all who wish to connect together as a parish community.
In a parish as diverse and dynamic as ours, there is something for everyone.
St Dominic’s extends to you the full blessings of our parish.
Come worship with us!
Our Bank Account details for
donations/payments are as follows:
Account Name :
RC Bishop of Auckland
Blockhouse Bay Parish
Account No. :
Mass Times (Christmas & New Year)
24th December (Tuesday): 6.00 PM Vigil Mass, 10:30 pm Carols followed by 11.00 PM Christmas Eve Mass
25th December Christmas Mass : 9:30 AM (Family Mass)
New Year: 01/01/2025 (Wednesday) 9:15 am (only one mass on New Year day)
Mass Times (Regular)
Saturday: 6:00pm Vigil Mass
Sunday: 8:00am AND 9:30am Mass
Monday and Tuesday: 9:15am Mass
Wednesday: Novena followed by Mass at 6:45pm
Thursday and Friday: 9:15am Mass
1st Friday : Mass of Healing and Anointing of the sick at 9:15am
1st Friday Holy Hour : 6:30pm followed by Mass
Parish Renewal Rosary (every Saturday): 6:30am
Saturday: Reconciliation 11:30am to 12:30pm
Baptism classes 1st and 2nd Saturday of the month: 2:00pm to 3:00pm
The wearing of face masks remain an important protection against the virus
and are encouraged for everyone attending any Mass including all workers and volunteers.
Contact Us
Parish Priest: Rev Fr. Ephrem Tigga
PO Box: 48097 Blockhouse Bay 0644
PH: 09 626 6207 (office)
PH: 09 626 2238 (Presbytery)
Email: stdominicsparish@xtra.co.nz
Parish Secretary: Cyril William
Office Hrs: Mon, Wed & Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm